beside makan ceklat, window shopping & movies with is good theraphy too. what the ikan nak speaking london? haha. ok. ini lagu yg aku suka ulang-ulang-ulang-ulang.
let down by dead by sunrise. site-project dari chester bennington dgn abang2 julien-k. sebab no.1, lirik dia. no.2, video dia. no.3, of kos sbb my chester.

"Let Down’ was about the experience of getting divorced,” he says. “I know who I am, that I’m a romantic person, and that I like being in love. I don’t want to repeat the same things that happened to me in my previous relationship in the next one." - Chester Bennington.
ini videonye, feat bininye sendiri. chester hot gile!!!
awwwwww. dan lagi satu lagu dari album out of ashes, adalah lagu give me your name. sangaaaaaaaattt suka ini lagu. mmg die dedicate khas utk bini die, Talinda.
awwwwww lagi.
see, edward ade romantik cmni? haha. lg satu puan talinda b suke memasak, i knew it, aku kan follower twitter die. siap ada web resipi lg. visit
pasni leh try, jgn nak masak kat cafe world je ye cik akiss. cmne nk jadi bini chester klu tapandai masak !!??? bahahahaha.
ok bai.
awwwwww lagi.
see, edward ade romantik cmni? haha. lg satu puan talinda b suke memasak, i knew it, aku kan follower twitter die. siap ada web resipi lg. visit
pasni leh try, jgn nak masak kat cafe world je ye cik akiss. cmne nk jadi bini chester klu tapandai masak !!??? bahahahaha.
ok bai.
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