Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tag by Nani K.

1. A picture of you at the most unique environment.
++ Describe the environment.
ini unik bikos....suasana pelik kot...berbuka puasa tepi jalan sbb cermin keta pecah, so is unik.

2. A picture of you at somewhere you dislike.
++ Describe why you dislike that place.
@lowyat. tgk muke rimas aku..hahaha. i xbrapa likes dis place sebab selalu crowd. terpaksa pergi sbb kerna carik barang baik.

3. A picture of you with someone who means a lot to you.
++Who is that person and what did that person do to you before.
tough plak yg ni. oke...i'll put this adik, sufi. yeah..he means a lot me. he knows me well. kdg2 aku ptt jadi adik dia, bukan kakak dia..sbb dia yg jaga dan ajar aku mcm2 even dia selalu pow aku. heee.

4. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth open).
++Were you posing or smiling naturally?
mak aih. mmg susah nak carik gamba aku senyum bkak mulut. hahaha..sbb aku ni xsuka amek gamba senyum lebar. sbb nmpk pelik kdg2, sbb aku rase gigi aku kecik, hahahaha.

5. A picture of you with your best smile (mouth closed)
++Were you posing or smiling naturally?
ya..naturally. utk pengetahuan kalian, ini lah gambar terawal aku kat myspace. tapi kat myspace aku crop , aku singkirkan gamba sahabat aku di sebelah..( my teman tapi mesra dolu2..hahhaa) ni masa tahun 2003, di library ni. masih menuntut lagi. di sbbkan buku yg di cari tak jmpe2..ini la aktiviti kami.

6. A picture of you with your lamest pose.
++Give this picture a capture.
"hai saya si gedik". aku x jmpe gambaq yg btul2 'lamest bg aku'. sbb skg guna pc opis, hahaha..nti aku balik umah carik lain. hahahha

7. A picture of you with the one of the people who stand on top of your heart.
++Is that person treating you like how you're treating him/her.
my mom la. haha. malah she treated me better laaaaa.

8. A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff.
++What were you with?
hwehwhe. saye dan ket dgn kenderaan yg comel di alamanda. kami muat woo dlm kete kecik tu. kiut bukaaaan. ahahahaha
9. A picture of you in white shirt.
++Why were you wearing white instead of black?
cis byk soal pulak. know, bila pki shirt puteh dan jeans biru kita akan nmpk sepsi. ahak ahak ahak.
10. A candid picture of you and your friend/s.
++Do you look good in it?
sorry break the rules sket. ada dua gamba, yg atas si farrah dan kak iza. nampak sgt ke'JOYAH'an mereka, caught in the camera. xleh berlakon ayu lg. hahahha. oke, second pic aku ngan aket. tgh btul2 kan tudung aku, sambil ket menyegalkan diri. heeee. dan i am not look so good bikos nmpk peha aku yg besar mcm lori tu.
I tag..
1. Myra (go myra! hahaha)
2. En. Nazrul Akram
3. En. Apes
4. En. En. Sarol Suxx
5. ummm..sape lg?
aishhh..dan semua rakan3 bloggers yg aku link kt sebelah yg rajin carik2 pic spt yg dikehendaki. thanks Hannani K kerana bagi tugas ini. =)


Hannani Kamal said...

yeahh u did it ! sekejapan jeee. dok opis tade keje la ni ekk ?

akiss. said...

hakhak. ini kira kerja la ni. at least aku dok diam2 kt tmpt aku, x mengular. hahahhahaha

Nazrul Akram said...

alaa nk kene buat jugek kerr
ujung minggu nih aku wat erk...

apezology said...

aku igt kne wat tag tkyah wat.haha.aku wat la