Would you ever wanna leave it, Maybe you could not believe it..
That my love for you was blind,
But I couldn't make you see it, Couldn't make you see it..
That I loved you more than you will ever know..
A part of me died when I let you go..
That I loved you more than you'll ever know..
A part of me died when I let you go...
- Blind by Lifehouse.
haih. maybe sejak dulu aku cmni. pendam. pendam. pendam. untold. but some things are better left unsaid kan?
ah xpe. aku jenis cpat boring. tak lama lagi boring la aku tu.
ah xpe. aku jenis cpat boring. tak lama lagi boring la aku tu.
a ah.

cepat la sgt. cepat ke? 10 tahun cepat ke taaakk????!!!!
ok bai.
tanak ade masalah camtu...
aku xmampu tanggung.....
mimie. are yu ok?
misti ade sumting wrong sumwere niii.
suke juge, ezzati =)
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